The British Orienteering Insurance Policy is for Public Liability Insurance; it provides cover for members against claims for damages, negligence, etc. Such claims are relatively rare but can be expensive. All mappers are advised to be members of British Orienteering in order to have this protection, and landowners are likely to require it. The British Orienteering policy does not cover accidents, personal injuries or personal property unless these involve a claim for damages, negligence or the like. If you want to insure your property against loss, theft or damage, or insure yourself against accident or medical costs, you must make your own arrangements; your household insurance may provide this cover. British Orienteering Public Liability Insurance Cover applies to the mapping activities of all mappers, provided they are a member of British Orienteering and earn less than £10,000 from their mapping activities. Professional mappers earning more than £10,000 per year will need their own liability insurance. This operates regardless of whether an area is being mapped for a British Orienteering event or activity, or is under consideration for mapping/permission. For other maps such as schools where these are not a British Orienteering activity, it is recommended that mappers confirm that they will be covered by the Third Party insurance of the organisation commissioning the work or consider having Public Liability insurance for this purpose.
Freelance Mappers (Anyone wishing to be added or removed from the list or requires their detail updating please contact British Orienteering Head Office)