Written by Jason Falconer (Wessex Orienteering Club)
As in many or the regions of U.K some beginners coaching sessions supplement the mapped areas where members of the public can explore Orienteering at their leisure.
Wimborne Orienteers and Wessex Orienteers have, for many years, provided a summer series of events that, whilst being for club members, also offered coaching. These were included in calendar schedules promoted by both the clubs and councils.
From the beginning Clubs supplied Map versions and Information sheets that outlined 'What to do' when it came to participating in Orienteering as a sport. Here is an example. Embedding the latest Map and POC/VOC versions into websites gives access to another activity, which is the end result for Council providers...lots of Leisure activities on offer!
Since 2021 our Dorset Permanent Orienteering Course provision has increased to include all areas that have been set up by us as MapRun VOCS, the latest era Orienteering in collaboration with Find Your Way from British Orienteering.
In dialogue with Council employees and Parks Departments, we update our own provision and have them publicise our events at the same time, good coverage for us both. The individuals we have worked with will be variously known in their professional roles as 'Development Managers' 'Health and Activity Activators' or 'Health and Activity Rangers'.