British Orienteering

Western Night League

Sat 7th Mar 2026
Online entry available
Night event
Dogs allowed - constraints may apply


Venue:Breakheart Quarry & Twinberrow Woods
Nearest town:Dursley
Dog rules:Dogs are welcome but should be kept under close control/on leads at all times


Description:Last WNL event of the season with mass start and prize-giving. 1 Hour night score event. Penalty 1 point lost for each 6 seconds or part there-of over the hour. Bonuses at the same rate if you get all the controls under the hour. All competitors take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety. ‘No whistle, no go’ will be in force. You need to have a spare light for night events. In the event of bad weather cagoules may be compulsory. Please come prepared.
Type:Cross Country
Entry times:17:15-18:15. Courses close 19:30
Punch type:SI
Hire fee: £2
Competitions:Night League
Event number:86182
Event website:Click here


Course description:Map: 1:7500 scale. 5M contours. Revised 2022 with some recent updates. Overprinted with course on A3 waterproof paper. Control descriptions will be printed on the map and loose descriptions available from registration. Terrain: Mixed woodland with mixed runnability and a small area of complex old quarry workings and open area near Tyndale Monument, there is some areas of brambles and brashings which are marked on the map with green hash and can be avoided. There is a very complex path network which will add to the challenge. There are some steep slopes which may be slippery. There are plenty of mountain bike tracks in the woods (including an area of downhill tracks), with new ones appearing regularly. These are in the main mapped but may not be if particularly new. Full leg cover is compulsory.


Payment dateJunior/studentSeniorFamily/group
01/03/2026£4 (£4)£8 (£10)£0
05/03/2026£6 (£6)£10 (£12)£0
Non-member fees shown in brackets.
Online entry via:
Online entry closing date:01/03/2026

Contact us

Co-ordinator:Ifor Powell