British Orienteering

Coronavirus (COVID 19) update - British Orienteering Events

13 March 2020

Guidance for Competition Organisers


British Orienteering is monitoring closely the developments relating to the spread of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) and noting the updates and advice given by the UK Government, the World Health Organisation and other UK public bodies.

The UK Government has indicated that “banning large gatherings is one of the least effective measures a country can take”.

We recognise that the Scottish Government has taken a different approach in that from Monday (16th March 2020) “all large gatherings above 500 people with the potential to impact the emergency services should be cancelled to prioritise the Covid-19 (coronavirus) outbreak”.

British Orienteering will follow the advice of the UK government unless we are instructed to do so by the government or other relevant authorities. For clarification in Scotland events over 500 must follow the advice issued by the Scottish Government.

We take the safety of our members and all those involved in organising and delivering competitions and events very seriously and will continue to monitor the situation and potentially introduce further guidance or measures as the situation evolves.

Competition Guidance

However, you must not come to any British Orienteering competition or activity if you fall into one of the following categories:

  • If you have a high temperature
  • If  you have a new continuous cough
  • If you have been in Wuhan city or Hubei Province (China), Daegu or Cheongdo (Republic of Korea), Iran, or the containment areas in northern Italy on or after Saturday 7 March
  • If you have been anywhere in Italy on or after Monday 9 March
  • If you have been advised to stay at home by a health professional.


Risk Management

Competition organisers should look at opportunities to reduce the risk of close contact for orienteers, officials and volunteers.  For example:

  • Extended start times
  • Increased size starting pens;
  • No results or awards ceremony at the event (available on line);
  • Reduce areas where people congregate such as club tents, catering, download areas;
  • Where possible source sufficient sanitizers for all areas but recommend that competitors bring their own along;
  • Rubbish to be taken away by participants after the event
  • Consider providing additional information in advance (e.g. about the personal hygiene facilities available at the event) to support people in making an informed decision as to whether to compete
  • Where possible review your Cancellation Policy.


As you can appreciate the situation is changing rapidly and we will keep you informed of any further developments or changes.


13 March 2020