British Orienteering

Thriving Clubs for a New Generation: introducing British Orienteering’s new strategy

15 June 2021

Thriving Clubs for a New Generation are at the heart of the new British Orienteering Strategy to strengthen the sport in this country. It will allow us to engage with a new generation via a thriving club network.

British Orienteering believes that if we change perceptions about orienteering, improve accessibility and deliver engaging fun experiences, more people will become hooked on the sport.

Once engaged, clear pathways to progress in competitor or volunteering will enable people to enjoy the sport for life.

The four focus areas of the Strategic Plan are:

  • Change the perception.
  • Create engaging experiences.
  • Strengthen lifelong pathways.
  • Provide foundations for success.

Thriving Clubs for a New Generation” will be formally launched at the AGM on Wednesday, 21 April 2021 and we will be consulting further with the membership and key stakeholders.

Read the Full Strategy here

Call to Action

British Orienteering is keen to hear from you as we turn Thriving Clubs for a New Generation into reality.

  • How can this strategy benefit your club, new and existing orienteers in your local area?
  • What ideas do you have to support the news strategic priorities?
  • What is working well for you that we could share?
  • Would you be interested to be involved in a focus group?

All views are valued and we will factor them into our thinking as we take our sport and the plan forward.

Please click here to fill out the survey and help us to collect as many views as possible or send your comments to


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