British Orienteering

Day 6: Volunteer Week (1-7 June) - Thank You to all who support our GB teams at International Competitions

7 June 2021

As part of Volunteers Week, British Orienteering would like to take this opportunity to thank all our volunteers who travel with the Great Britain Orienteering teams to International Competitions as Managers, Coaches, and Medical Support to ensure that our athletes are able to focus on their races and perform to the best of their ability.

These volunteers take on various responsibilities during their time away at international competitions, taking on specific roles such as physio support, technical coaching and coordinating logistics, but duties at an event could include liaison with the organisation committee, attending technical meetings, accreditation, press results and results updates, accompanying for drugs testing, emergency, and troubleshooting, busy but exciting few days!

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Rachael Handley, International Teams Administrator, says:
“Unfortunately, as with everything 2020 International competitions were unable to go ahead, and competitions going forward may perhaps look a bit different for a while. If you feel you have some of the skills and enthusiasm to be part of the team going out to international competitions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.”  

If you are interested, please contact Rachael Handley on email:

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Liz Campbell (back row, second in from the left), says: 
“Over the last eighteen or so years I have been lucky enough to travel with our GB Senior team on multiple occasions. It is such a privilege to work with and get to know our wonderful young, enthusiastic, and committed athletes and to share in the inevitable ups and downs that international competition brings. On one level the job of a volunteer is straightforward because staff and athletes are all aiming for the same thing but on another level it is full of surprises and new challenges cancelled flights, car break ins, cooking for 12 on a single burner, life drawing classes, athletes returning from a training run having come face to face with a tiger (?!), silly games and of course all the everyday tasks which the whole team share like training, cooking, washing up and driving. It is fun, tiring and rewarding but for me nothing quite compares to the joy and satisfaction of really feeling part of our winning team.”

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How you can get involved with Volunteers' Week?
Each day is a chance to take the time to say thank you to volunteers within our sport of orienteering across the UK.
Share your own story about volunteering during a pandemic over the past 12 months, inspire others to get involved in volunteering, or say thank you to an amazing volunteer you know using #VolunteersWeek! 

Don't forget to include British Orienteering in all of your posts:

Inspire others to volunteer! 
Have you got any personal volunteering stories which British Orienteering can publish on the website as part of the Volunteer's Week to inspire others?  Email:

#VolunteersWeek  #Orienteering