British Orienteering

Coming soon: We want to hear about your orienteering journey!

7 June 2021

British Orienteering are going to be part of a research project looking into people’s sporting experiences through their life stages. We would like to invite you to complete a survey to share your experiences.

Whether you started participating in orienteering at school or in adulthood, we want to understand your participation experiences and attitudes towards orienteering during each life stage.

As a thank you for your time, you will have the opportunity to enter a prize draw to win one of five £100 Amazon vouchers!

Your responses will be part of a national study including other sports and will be used to better understand people’s sporting experiences over time. The insights will help us to improve our sports delivery and provision for people of all ages; supporting us to grow and sustain participation in orienteering.

Keep an eye out for the survey link coming soon!

This survey is being administered by independent sports research agency, Sports Marketing Surveys.

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