British Orienteering

#UKCoachingWeek: Introducing Safeguarding e-Learning Course

10 June 2021

The British Orienteering Safeguarding new eLearning course is open to anyone directly engaged in Orienteering, parents, coaches, organisers but is also open to the wider sport and physical activity community. 

  • British Orienteering believes that it is essential for coaches to have at least a basic understanding of what behaviour is appropriate, how to identify a safeguarding concern and be confident about how to respond, as well as being clear about how to access support.
  • This course has been designed to be a great introduction for coaches to learn about safeguarding, especially those who have contact with children or adults at risk.
  • Provides coaches with a basic awareness of safeguarding children and adults at risk, including an awareness of the categories of abuse, the ability to identify the signs of abuse and to know what to do if you have concerns about a child or an adult at risk
  • Provides reassurance ,support and confidence to Coaches
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British Orienteering is also pleased to confirm that this eLearning module will be accepted as part of a coaches safeguarding requirements to remain licensed. The recently updated requirements for coaches’ licenses to remain valid after 1st June, states that for coaches who only work with adults, they will need to complete an appropriate on-line safeguarding module. 

This Introduction to Safeguarding course will be accepted as that on-line module. Other providers courses will still be accepted on submission of attendance certificates. However, the British Orienteering course is the only one to provide specific Orienteering case studies and related content. Please note, coaches who work with children and young people will still need to take an initial tutor led course either in person or via an online classroom.

Find out more and/or book British Orienteering's Introducing Safeguarding Course


