British Orienteering

First Online Safeguarding Forum Announced - Tuesday 20 July, 7.30 pm

15 June 2021

British Orienteering is pleased to announce the first online Safeguarding Forum is set to take place.

Taking place on Tuesday 20 July 2021 at 7:30 pm, the forum is designed to support Club Welfare Officers and other members within clubs, in providing a safe and enjoyable environment for all to orienteer.

This first forum will include reviewing the changes that have been made including DBS’s, coaching licenses, and updates to pages on the British Orienteering website.

There will also be a reminder about the processes and steps that need to be taken if a safeguarding concern or incident is brought to your attention. Alongside highlighting the support that is available at every step of the way.

The confirmed agenda will be released in due course.

The session will take place on ‘Go To Webinar’ and questions will be answered throughout. There will also be a recording available following the session.

Registration is now open.  To register follow this link.

First Online Safeguarding Forum
First Online Safeguarding Forum