British Orienteering

Loch Eck Orienteers head out to Glen Nant with enthusiasm and vigour

17 June 2021

Report by Janet Kersel, Event Organiser and Loch Eck Orienteers Development Officer.

Glen Nant was at its best but it was a pity it was cold and latterly wet. However, this didn't detract from the athletes tackling their courses with enthusiasm and vigour. The yellow/orange course took the competitors into a very beautiful part of Glen Nant which was lush with bluebells, primroses, wild garlic and wood sorrel. It was quite a challenging course occasionally taking everybody away from the line feature. Setting the map before leaving a control was really important and a good skill to practice. There were lots of smiley faces coming into download. The standard score took the athletes up into the woodland as far as the 'Eas Achadh Airigh' burn.

Congratulations to John McLuckie who managed to get all the controls. The clue was in the name for the alternative score. The athletes had to plan their course so that they alternately visited a black feature (for example a crag) followed by a brown feature (for example a hill). This encouraged quick decision making and close map contact.

Congratulations to Alison O'Neil from Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club (ESOC) for winning this course.

Orienteering at Glen Nant
Orienteering at Glen Nant