British Orienteering

British Orienteering Championships 2021 - entries open on 1 August 2021

29 July 2021

Saturday 2 October & Sunday 3 October 2021

Bristol Orienteering Klubb, in conjunction with Devon Orienteering Club welcome you to the South West of England in October 2021 for what they hope will be a memorable albeit complex weekend of orienteering on the sand dunes of Braunton Burrows.

orienteering image

The British Individual Long Championships 2021 will be held at Braunton Burrows, near Barnstaple in Devon on Saturday 2 October 2021. They will be followed the next day, not by the tradition British Relay Championships, but by a Middle distance race in the same area. Both events will be subject to COVID requirements in place at the time.

Both events are due to be part of the UK O league series.

The Organising Team have been very busy getting this event ready and they anticipate that entries will be open on the 1 August 2021.
Please see the British Orienteering Championships website for details about entries here:

As soon as more details become available about the event they will be added to the event website.