British Orienteering

British Orienteering's First Safeguarding Forum

11 August 2021

British Orienteering's first Safeguarding Forum was successfully held last month.

This first British Orienteering Safeguarding Forum is part of a new initiative to support Club Welfare Officers and other members within clubs across the country.  The live forum in July, provided the opportunity to get advice and to discuss anything to do with safeguarding to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for all to orienteer.

This first forum included reviewing the Safeguarding changes that have been made this year including coaching licenses, DBSs, and updates to pages on the British Orienteering website, as well as the opportunity to ask questions.

The session also discussed the processes and steps that need to be taken if a safeguarding concern or incident is brought to your attention and the support that is available for you every step of the way.

Safeguarding Lead Peter Brooke, said:  "It was really pleasing to launch this forum and it provides another avenue of support for everyone.  Safeguarding is a crucial area of the sport to ensure anyone can enjoy Orienteering in a safe environment.  We've had some really positive feedback after this first session, and we'll be building on this in the future."

If you missed the session or if you want to see if back, the slides and recording can be found on our Safeguarding Forum webpage here.  

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