British Orienteering

Request for Orienteering Video Footage

20 October 2021

Request by Emma Monkman, Access and Environmental Officer at British Orienteering

orienteering image

Emma Monkman, Access and Environmental Officer at British Orienteering, says: "From my discussions with staff and members similar themes are developing. Specifically, that gaining access for putting on our orienteering events of all sizes across the UK seems to be becoming much more challenging. I have been trying to put myself in the position of the Landowner or Manager and working out what would help them to understand our sport and ultimately grant access more easily. 

That’s where you come in! Do you or anyone you know have video footage of an event?  My preference would be for drone footage but to establish whether I need to commission a piece of filming work please send anything you have and are willing to share. It would be particularly helpful if it highlights minimal environmental impact.

Thank you.  I have now been in post for over two months and have had some really useful meetings and conversations about access challenges you are facing, but I would always like to hear more!" 


If you have any video footage and would like to gain more information about this project or simply get in touch with Emma direct and talk to her about any access issues your club is experiencing, please email:

Thank you.