British Orienteering

#NewSeason: Orienteering in the land of the giants – British Night Champs

14 December 2021

British Night Orienteering Championships 2022
Saturday 19 February 2022
Ilkley Moor

The British Night Championships event is being hosted by Airenteers on Saturday 19 February 2022. 

Let's hear from the Organiser Richard Foster (Airienteers) of next year's event and what competitors can look forward to...

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"Legend tells that moors above Ilkley were named after Rombald the Giant who created the famous Cow and Calf rocks when running from his angry wife and as he leapt across the valley to escape, he stamped on the rock, cleaving in two in the process.

It is into this dramatic landscape, littered with prehistoric carved rocks that Airienteers invite you to the British Night Orienteering Championships weekend for 2022.

A gritstone escarpment with a wealth of rock and contour detail, areas of steep-sided woodland, and an extensive path network will provide a significant technical challenge at night, worthy of producing a British Champion.

In addition to the championship event, taking place on Saturday 19 February 2022, there will be a UK Orienteering League National event on Sunday 20 February 2022, which will also take competitors onto the fast running of Burley Moor to the East."

Details for both events can be found at and entries are open on Fabian4 here


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Ilkley Moor
Photo credits:  Wendy Carlyle (Airienteers)


Please note:  Sunday 16 January 2022 is the first closing date for the British Night Championships 2022.

To ensure online entries can be made members need to make sure that their membership is current and has been in place for 14 days prior to any entry closing dates.  You can renew your membership online during the office closure times to ensure your membership is current for 2022 and to enter using your membership number via Fabian4 and Sportident.