British Orienteering

GB Development and Performance Squads - Ready for the 2022 season!

20 December 2021

British Orienteering is delighted to announce the athletes being offered places in the Development Squad and Performance Squad for the 2022 international season.

The upper end of the new squad structure being implemented for 2022 under the Performance Pathway Review has three levels: “Talent” (age 15 upwards), “Development” (age 19 upwards), and “Performance”. The Talent groups have previously been announced.

The Development and Performance Squads aim to support athletes as they plan and prepare for international competitions from the Junior World Championships upwards, through to the European Championships, World Games, and World Championships. 

Development Squad


Performance Squad

Jim Bailey

Rachel Brown

Fiona Bunn*

Eilidh Campbell

Alex Carcas

Pippa Carcas

Rachel Duckworth

Joshua Dudley

Mairi Eades

Matthew Gooch

Flurry Grierson

Joe Hudd

Finlay Johnson

Megan Keith*

Laura King

Nathan Lawson*

Peter Molloy

Eddie Narbett

Alasdair Pedley

Chloe Potter

Lizzie Stansfield

Joe Sunley

Alastair Thomas

Oliver Tonge

Alice Wilson

Cecilie Andersen

Peter Bray

Megan Carter-Davies

Alexander Chepelin

Jonathan Crickmore

William Gardner

Hector Haines

Peter Hodkinson

Kristian Jones

Alice Leake

Ben Mitchell

Grace Molloy

Joanna Shepherd

Christopher Smithard

Ralph Street

Charlotte Ward


* will also work with the Performance Squad sprint coach

The three roles of Performance Pathway Director, Development Squad Manager, Performance Squad Manager have all recently been advertised.  Ahead of appointments being made, the roles are being filled on an interim basis by Paul Murgatroyd, Jonathan Molloy, and Jon Cross respectively. 

We are also delighted that Emil Wingstedt has extended his coaching agreement with us and will provide specialist sprint support to the Performance group in the run-up to the first-ever Sprint-only World Championships (Denmark in June).  Emil will be supported by Murray Strain.

The senior team has represented British Orienteering very strongly in 2021, with podium finishes in three different disciplines at the World Championships (WOC) in the Czech Republic. 

We saw other strong individual performances through the year (including the best debut performance at WOC ever by a British athlete), the final international race of 2021 at the Mixed Sprint Relay at World Cup 3 in Italy rounded off the season with the GBR team once more on the podium and in medal contention right to the end.

As we head into the new year there are plenty of reasons to be excited for what the international season can bring – congratulations and good luck for the 2022 competitions to all athletes named today into both squads! 

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