British Orienteering

British Orienteering Trophy Recall for 2022

27 January 2022

Report by Helen Errington, Major Event Consultant, British Orienteering

Calling all trophy winners from 2019, 2020, and 2021, and current Club Captains.

British Orienteering is about to start a trophy recall for the following events:

  • British Middle Championships 2022
  • British Long Championships 2022
  • British Relay Championships 2022
  • JK 2022

Some of these trophies were last presented in 2019 and some were presented as late as November 2021.

Trophy recalls are never an easy task and it will be made all the harder with the up to 3-year delay between some of these major event trophy presentations.  

Please help and support this process by assisting in doing the following:

  • Please look out for the recall emails that will be sent in the next 3 to 4 weeks.
  • Please reply to the email you receive confirming that you have the trophy and how it will be returned.
  • If you don’t have the trophy then please find out where it has gone and let the trophy recall volunteer know what is going to happen about its return.
  • Locating the trophy and making sure it has been cleaned and engraved.
  • Remember to bring it with you to the relevant events or make sure that whoever you have entrusted its return to doesn’t forget to bring it!

Many thanks in advance for your help in this matter.