British Orienteering

World Orienteering Day 2022... Calling all schools, clubs and youth groups

28 February 2022

Calling all clubs, schools, and youth groups to get involved and take part in World Orienteering Day taking place between 11 May and 17 May 2022.  

How are you going to be involved?

The International Orienteering Federation has confirmed that any activity held throughout this week by a school, club, or youth group can be registered as a World Orienteering Day event.

British Orienteering has designed and developed FREE downloadable resources and Lesson Plans for Teachers and School Leaders to get involved and enjoy taking part in World Orienteering Day this year.  Find out more and download these FREE RESOURCES here.  

There is also a wide range of FREE Resources to download on the World Orienteering Day website here.  These resources include poster templates, flyers, certificates, and much more!

Please register your event on the World Map here

More information about World Orienteering Day 2022 can be found here


Please note: 
All Orienteering Clubs registering an event on the British Orienteering events fixture listings from 11 May to 17 May need to please include the "World Orienteering Day" in the title of the event to ensure the event is included in the World Orienteering Day national promotion activity. 
Many thanks.

Free Resources and Lesson Plans
Free Resources and Lesson Plans