British Orienteering

Northern Ireland Score and Night Orienteering Championships 2022

14 March 2022

??Northern Ireland Score and Night Orienteering Championships??

? Last month Lagan Valley Orienteers successfully hosted both the NI Score and Night Championships at Belvoir Park Forest. Competitors who travelled the length and breadth of the country (and beyond) to compete in one or both events got a warm welcome.

This doubleheader was timed perfectly between storms Eunice and Franklin, and 100 runs were enjoyed/endured in relatively good conditions, but a bit nippy and damp for those who stayed on for the night event.

? Thank you to all the volunteers who set up the events for us, especially Richard Vasey who had his hands full planning and setting out controls before and between the events, Organiser, Olivia Baxter, and all who helped with the MOO and collecting controls.

Map of NI Champs - Belvoir Park Forest

Northern Ireland Score Championships 2022

⌚ The Score course had controls spread around the forest park and within the adjacent housing estate which required careful planning. When faced with the map at the start, the big question for competitors was, ‘will I be able to get to both 50 pointers and return within the 60 min time limit?’ Then came the further questions, was it better heading for the estate first, or the long loop to the north, or the island or the tricker section to the northwest? Post-event discussions provided no agreement, except that Richard had planned well.

⌚ The 45-minute Score was contested by the Juniors so didn't involve an excursion into the urban area. They had plenty of forest controls to deal with within the shorter time allowance.

? Winners:

M14 - James Ewart LVO

M18 - Peter Gamble LVO

MOpen - Johnathan McCloy NWOC

WOpen - Olivia Baxter LVO

MVet 40+  Ric Gamble LVO

WVet 40+ Moire O'Sullivan LVO

MSuperVet 55+ Billy Reed LVO

WSuperVet 55+ Stephanie Pruzina 55+ LVO

MUltraVet 65+ Billy Fyffe FERMO

WUltraVet 65+ Helen Baxter LVO

Other Top Junior performers were: Luke Gardiner M14, Euan Ewart M10, and Ruby Gardiner W12

Northern Ireland Night Orienteering Championships 2022

After a couple of hours rest and recuperation and time to present some NI awards, some hardy lot left the comfort of the community centre and set out again to compete in the night champs. A brand new wet of controls were all this time sited within the forest park, so not help from the streetlights in the urban area.

? Winners:

M18 - Peter Gamble LVO

MOpen - Peter Reed LVO

WOpen - Olivia Baxter LVO

MVet 45+ Ric Gamble LVO

WVet 45+ Moire O'Sullivan LVO

MSuperVet 55+ Henry Montgomery LVO

WSuperVet 55+ Julie Murphy LVO

MUltraVet 65+ David Blair NWOC

WUltraVet 65+ Helen Baxter LVO

A big thank you to the kind people who forfeited their run/competitive time to come to the aid of an injured runner. It was fantastic to see how supportive the Orienteering family is, what a great sporting community we have.

Well done everyone!