British Orienteering

CompassSport Cup Rounds - 12-13 March 2022 Results

16 March 2022

Report by Peter Guillaume, Compass Sport Cup Coordinator

The second series of qualifying events were held on 12 and 13 March 2022. The organising clubs Berkshire Orienteers, Forth Valley, Humberside and Lincolnshire Orienteers and Mole Valley and their volunteers are due many thanks on behalf of the competitors. Overall the weather was marginally better. One of the clubs qualifying for the Final commented: "It may have been muddy, (oh yes it was muddy), it may have been a bit brambly in places, (quite a few places), and it may have been drizzly and damp, but nothing dampened the spirits of the team! Well done to all that participated, a great team effort. Now the only thing to decide is how we get to Scotland for the final this October!!!"

Judging from the social media posts many clubs enjoyed the opportunity to meet in this outdoor setting as they gathered at club tents to discuss routes and reconnect.

The twenty-six clubs who have qualified are now making travel plans for the Final, hosted by Forth Valley on 16 October 2022 at Devilla & Tulliallan with the event centre at the Scottish Police College, Tulliallan. They can make a weekend of action with the Stirling City Race on the 15th. They may be joined by clubs from Northern Ireland who have been invited to enter a Cup and Trophy team.

BKO - Rushall Woods
​​Qualifiers for the Final: Cup: SN Trophy: BKO
CUP: SN 2467, TVOC 2430
TROPHY: BKO 1282, SARUM 1254, SOC 1253, NWO 1201, BADO 1041,

FVO - Callander Crags
Qualifiers for the Final: Cup: FVO and ESOC Trophy: INT, MAROC, and MOR
CUP: FVO 2471, ESOC 2394
TROPHY: INT 1271, MAROC 1252, MOR 1248, INVOC 1198, RR 1193, TAY 1168, ELO, 1131, CLYDE 951, STAG 797, BASOC 767, SOLWAY 661, ECKO 638, KFO 544, AYROC 249, GRAMP 176

HALO - Duncombe Park and Windy Pits
​​Qualifiers for the Final: Cup: SYO and AIRE Trophy: CLOK, EPOC, and EBOR
CUP: SYO 2476, AIRE 2410
TROPHY: CLOK 1281, EPOC 1255, EBOR 1246, CLARO 1221, NN 1218, NATO 1208, HALO 1208, SELOC 1158

MV - Balcombe Estates
​Qualifiers for the Final: Cup: SO Trophy: SAX
CUP: SO 2455, S:OW 2401, HH 2313
TROPHY: SAX 1274, DFOK 1263, GO 1261, MV 1251, LOK 929

orienteering image

Photo credit:  Wendy Carlyle (Airienteers)