British Orienteering

Calling all poets! British Orienteering is running a poetry competition in April

29 March 2022

News article by Emma Monkman, Access and Environmental Officer

British Orienteering will soon be creating an Access and Environment section of the British Orienteering website and would like to launch it with a poem by one of our lyrical members, is that you?

We will be running a poetry competition in April (1 April - 30 April) and the winner will be announced at the beginning of May with their poem displayed on our website. Oh, and there will be a prize for the winner and runner up too! 

Closing date: Sunday 1 May 2022.

The theme is... "environment".  

I recently attended the East Midlands Championships on Stanton Moor in Derbyshire. I was struck by the beauty of the landscape and the grace of the Orienteers as they traversed between the trees with the early Springtime sun lengthening the shadows on the forest floor…

The winning poem will be part of the Access and Environment section of the website which is being created for members, landowners, and managers. It will be populated with videos, photos, and data to help support negotiations between clubs and landowners. The poem will be a key part of this so let your creativity flow and send in something that will encapsulate the respect we have for the environment and the important role it plays.  As the poem will appear on our website please don’t make it too long, something that fits onto a screen and can be read in full will be perfect. I am looking forward to reading them so start creating and send them to:

Poetry Competition
Poetry Competition