British Orienteering

Many congratulations to Her Majesty HM Queen Elizabeth II

1 June 2022

British Orienteering wishes many congratulations to Her Majesty HM Queen Elizabeth II on her Platinum Jubilee.

Jacob King/PA Wire/PA Images
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In June, the Queen will become the first British monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee after seven decades of service.

As the nation comes together to celebrate the Queen's historic reign, to commemorate Her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee and her impressive 70-year reign, British Orienteering and members send our sincere congratulations. Thank you and best wishes on your Platinum Jubilee year.

Although the British Orienteering Federation was only officially established in the UK in the 60’s, Orienteering was taking place in other countries when HM Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne 70 years ago. 

Over the next seven days, British Orienteering will be looking at how Orienteering has grown and developed here in the United Kingdom during the seven decades of Her Majesty’s Reign.

The first decade of the “Orienteering through the Seven Decades” series will be published at 13.00 tomorrow (Friday 3 June) and will continue every day, with the seventh decade being published on Thursday 9 June at 13:00.


#PlatinumJubilee #HM70

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