British Orienteering

Interview with GB Elite Athlete: ALICE LEAKE

23 June 2022

Place of Residence:  Leeds.

GB Alice Leake

Experience: When did you start/ How did you get into Orienteering?
“I started orienteering at school. We had a great teacher, Mr Andrews, who ran the after-school club and drove us to all the events.”

Clubs:  What orienteering clubs have you been part of?
“I was a member of Eborienteers growing up. Then I went to Edinburgh University Orienteering Club, before moving down South and joining Southern Navigators for several years. Since moving back to Yorkshire I am now a member of Airienteers.”

“None formally, although I do get input from several people on race analysis and physical training.”

Training Routine:
“As a sprint orienteer, my training is probably quite typical of a 5/10k runner (intervals, tempo run, long run, gym – volume in the winter, speed work in the summer) but with added orienteering wherever possible. Nothing particularly special, just consistency over a lot of years.”

Race Routine/ habits:
“Several cups of tea to get me going is a must, a hydration drink 90mins before the race, and a decent warm-up – I like to do about 3km of jogging plus drills. It’s also important for me to have a few minutes to myself to get focussed, calm, and in the right frame of mind to race.”

Favourite terrain/venue/event in UK/World:
“You can’t beat the buzz of a big event like the JK or Oringen, but in terms of terrain I enjoy anything novel, multi-level, runnable or in a beautiful location.”

Favourite Food:
“Oh gosh probably chips, but thankfully I don’t eat too many of those!”

Other Hobbies:
“I like running, going out with friends, anything that involves eating (particularly posh brunches if they can be classed as a hobby), watching terrible trashy tv, and spending time outdoors.”

“We have so many amazing volunteers who coach, map, plan, organise and give up their time so that everyone else can enjoy orienteering, and I really admire and respect them all. I also find our older competitors incredibly inspiring - I would love to still be travelling the country and competing like they are when I am a W85.” ?

What advice would you give to a younger version of yourself? 
"Have fun, enjoy yourself, and maybe occasionally remember to look at your compass."


British Orienteering wishes you all the very best Alice with your final preparations.



Ahead of the World Orienteering Championships 2022 in Denmark, British Orienteering is posting interviews of the GB athletes selected to compete so that all members can get to know the GB team. Please keep an eye out for these interviews which will be posted on the British Orienteering website this week, and follow all the action live here throughout the World Orienteering Championships which start with the Sprint Relay on Sunday 26 June!

Good Luck to the British Team