British Orienteering

TrailO - Chair of the Selectors

18 August 2022

First and foremost, Julie Webster has decided to step down as Chair of the Selectors for TrailO. On behalf of British Orienteering, I would like to thank her for her commitment to ensuring that a fair and transparent selection Policy has been followed in TrailO. Roles such as these are arguably one of the most difficult voluntary roles within British Orienteering where their decisions can be challenged.

Secondly, the overall aim of selection is to maximise the opportunity to gain medals at the World and European TrailO and to create sustainable success for British Orienteering teams and athletes.

As Julie is stepping down the TrailO Group is looking for a new Chair of the Selection Panel, ideally a person who is independent of the discipline although those involved are not excluded.

The role of the Chair is to:

  • Coordinate Selection meetings and ensure all members are fully briefed in advance
  • Chair the Selection meetings and ensure a formal record of the meeting is taken
  • Ensure selections accurately represent the data presented and ensure that the selection philosophy, overview and criteria set by British Orienteering is fairly and consistently applied.
  • The Chair of the selectors will be supported by individuals with greater knowledge and understanding of TrailO. The Chair should be able to demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to a performance culture in orienteering and ensure that the selections are made in line with the aims of the selection criteria, as set out from time to time by British Orienteering.
  • Support the selection panel in selecting individuals to represent GBR in an unbiased and transparent way based on the Selection Policy and the information presented to the Panel.
  • Act with integrity, fairness and transparency at all times.

If you are interested:

Please send an email to Graham Urquhart ( stating your interest, a note to explain how you meet the above criteria and if there are any Conflicts of Interest in you becoming Chair e.g. if you are a coach or parent of an athlete that may be considered for selection in the next two years. This latter point does not mean that you cannot be considered but you would be required to declare this interest and take no part in discussions about the athlete’s selection.

Expressions of interest should arrive before 1st October 2022.

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