British Orienteering

Choose the Gift of Learning - Coach education and coach development - Webinar session 3

7 December 2022

This Coaching Webinar will focus explicitly on the learning and development of orienteering coaches.

Once again we welcome back Dr Thomas Leeder (University of East Anglia) who will be taking us through some recent research on coaching carried out on behalf of British Orienteering.

Join us to learn about and discuss:

  • The role of critical incidents on coach learning 
  • Positive perspectives and critiques of British Orienteering's current coach education provision
  • Recommendations from orienteering coaches to enhance current courses 

If this sparks your interest and you would like to register to attend, please email Ric Gamble at:


Webinar back catalogue

With around 40 webinars in total to choose from there is surely some of interest and use to you and your club. Take your pick from webinars on coaching, mapping, planning, organising and managing a club. 

Want to find out about how to use different apps to help your mapping, planning or training? Why not check out the eight webinars featuring apps such as, MapRun, Routegadget, OpenOrienteeringMap and OCAD. 

Are you looking into growing your club or creating a better member offer? There are a further sixteen webinars focused on Club Development! 

As well as the recordings, many of the Webinars have associated supporting resources available too! 

Click here for more information. 

It's Webinar Time Again!
It's Webinar Time Again!