British Orienteering

Make it your New Years resolution to nominate someone for a 2022 Volunteer or Mapping Award!

13 December 2022

As we look forward to another exciting year of Orienteering we also reflect on the great times and events we enjoyed in 2022. This couldn't have happened without the fantastic efforts put in by club volunteers, coaches and mappers. 

The orienteering community is blessed with so many willing, talented, hard working members who happily volunteer to support the running and development of our great sport. 

The work our volunteers carry out should never be underestimated or taken for granted. In December we were delighted that this was nationally recognised by UK Coaching, in awarding last years British Orienteering Coach of the Year, Pete Maliphant, with the UK Coach of the Year Award for Talent Development! 

British Orienteering want to continue to recognise and celebrate the important place of Volunteers and Mappers through our own awards.

Nomination isn't difficult - just click on the links below to find out more information on the thirteen different categories, including new to 22 the 'Respect the Environment' award. 

Make it your New Years resolution to nominate and sing the praises of your club or someone who you know should receieve recognition for their great work. 

Volunteer Awards info and nomination forms.

Mapping Awards info and nomination forms. 

Nominations Open!
Nominations Open!