British Orienteering

Extending access rights and opportunities in England

14 July 2023

We all recognise that one of the biggest challenges our sport faces in the next decade is that of access to the countryside. Specifically, we are finding that we face increased restrictions, and at times exclusion, because we are an “organised sport” whereas we see the general public (and their dogs) roaming freely around the same areas without restrictions.

British Orienteering is a member of the Outdoor Industries Association and are working with them to be part of a small group of likeminded sports/activities (UK Active, the BMC, British Canoeing and Ramblers,) with the view of raising the awareness to politicians and decision makers of the challenges we face as a sport.

The British Mountaineering Council (BMC) have sent this survey. Can I suggest that members, if they feel it appropriate, to use this as an opportunity to:

Raise the profile of orienteering (with the BMC and whoever the final report goes to) and

Raise the awareness of the difficulties we are facing in terms of access for “organised sport” vs general public/dogs.

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