British Orienteering

Junior Orienteers invited to sign up for the Peter Palmer Team Relay 2023

21 August 2023

The 29th Peter Palmer Junior Team Relay takes place from 9–10 September at Stowe.

The event this year is being hosted by South Midlands Orienteering Club (SMOC) on National Trust Land in Stowe, Buckinghamshire. Stowe has a recent history of successful junior events as the 2021 British Schools Orienteering Championships were held here, and we very much encourage our juniors to sign up to the event!

About the event

The annual event welcomes teams made up of juniors from M/W12 – M/W18s. 

The main relay will commence at 5am whilst it is still dark, with the older juniors running first before the younger groups start as it gets lighter. Each team must be accompanied by a male and a female supervisor. 

*Please note that the event is not accepting any M/W10 even if running up. 

Peter Palmer Trophy

The comprises of 6 laps. At least two laps must be run by boys and two laps run by girls.

Lap 5 may have up to three runners per team – therefore 6-8 runners per team. 

Daybreak Bowl

This comprises of 4 laps. At least one lap must be run by a boy and one lap run by a girl. 

Lap 3 may have up to three runners per team – therefore 4-6 runner per team. 

Further details on competition rules is available online.


The Event Centre and accommodation will be at Akeley Wood Senior School, Bycell Road, Buckingham MK18 5AE.

How to enter

All entries for this event will be via Fabian4. The deadline for entries is 3 September 2023


£17 per competitor ad £12 per supervisor. This includes overnight accomodation and breakfast. 

Please note that they are not accepting Men/Women aged 10 even if running up. 

We wish all our juniors the very best of luck at the competition. Don't forget to secure your place via Fabian4 today!

Further information

Please visit the East Anglia Orienteering Association website for further information. Alternatively, you can contact Organiser, Freya Askham with any additional general queries, or for event entries, Helen Nisbet

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