British Orienteering

Our webinars are back for the Autumn/Winter series

6 September 2023

After a very successful series of the webinars earlier in the year, we are back and ready to kick off the autumn/winter series!

Volunteer Experience webinar workshop

Monday 25 September at 7pm

Clubs often find themselves short of volunteers. The way that people volunteer and the time they have to give is not the same as it used to be. Ensuring volunteers feel recognised, rewarded and part of your club team is essential. ​​

Workshop outcomes

By the end of this workshop, delegates will be able to support clubs to:

  • Develop a positive culture of volunteering within your club.
  • Identify how to develop your volunteer’s experience.
  • Identify top tips in recruiting, retaining and rewarding volunteers.
  • Develop an action plan to improve your club volunteer experience.
  • Understand how to access further information to help improve your volunteer experience.

Register your place.

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“The Winning Formula” - From DISTRACTION to DISCIPLINE webinar series

From Monday 2 October 2023

Rachel Collins from Meadow Wellbeing will be delivering a workshop series unique to orienteering by combining her knowledge of Sport Psychology and tools from Therapeutic Coaching.

Participants will be provided with information and the necessary mental skills to narrow their focus whilst orienteering, allowing you to produce a race you can be satisfied with!

The first workshop in this webinar series will be hosted by British Orienteering on Monday 2 October and is free to all members.

Register your place here.

The following four monthly sessions are progressive in nature and costs £25 in total. For more information, please click on the following link or register your place by contacting

Workshop 1 – Mon 2 October 18:30-19:30 – Laying the Foundations (hosted by BOF and free to all members)

Workshop 2 – Mon 13th Nov 18:30-19:30 – Focus / states

Workshop 3 – Mon 11th Dec 18:30 – 19:30 – Visualisation / mindfulness

Workshop 4 – Mon 19th Feb 18:30 – 19:30 – Negative self-talk

Workshop 5 – Mon 11th March 18:30 – 19:30 – Your bespoke formula

This webinar and following workshop series is aimed at club level members, from newcomers to seasoned orienteers.

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Reaching out (Let's celebrate diversity) webinar

Monday 16 October at 7pm

We all know orienteering is a highly accessible sport. We often wonder why perhaps our sport is not as diverse as it could be. Maybe you have wondered if your orienteering club truly reflects the demographic of the area it covers.

At our upcoming webinar, join other curious minds as we try to answer the question – what can we do to help open this wonderfully accessible sport to everyone?

Presented by our Development Officer, Louise Satherley, this webinar is the start of a journey of discovery. Let’s celebrate diversity.

Register your place. 

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