British Orienteering

British Orienteering - Feedback on draft Rules 2024

28 November 2023

British Orienteering via the Rules Group is inviting feedback from members on the orienteering rules it has drafted for 2024.

  • Group was reconstituted during the year and has adopted a policy of annual review to supplement arising issues, This years theme has been "maintenance" so although the eagle eyed will find many wording changes these are essentially clarifications, removal of duplication/ redundant practices, and movement of clauses/ groups of clauses to places where the context is more appropriate rather than a change of intent So in general a Rule "Spring Cleaning " with the aim of being easier to use.

Please note, as a result there has been a significant change in the order and in the numbering of individual clauses – too many to be able to sensibly mark up.

  • The draft rules are available here.

The key change is that the historical anomaly that Men's and Women's classes had different winning times is addressed. This is in line with the IOF (International Orienteering Federation) policy to equalise men’s and women’s winning times for all age classes and the results of this Summer's well supported consultation - a big thank you to all that contributed.

There are New Courses tables for Long Distance but not Middle and Sprint which were already "done"

The consultation is open until 12 December, 2023 and responses can be emailed to"


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