British Orienteering

Members: Do you know how to use a defibrillator in an emergency? Watch this short video today.

14 December 2023

Recent statistics from Resuscitation Council UK state that 61% of people say they are not confident enough to use a defibrillator.

it’s important to understand that knowledge of how to do early CPR and how to access a defibrillator, is invaluable.

Watch this short video which outlines what to do if you or your club find yourself in this situation. Remember, you could save a life.

Accessing emergency help in a rural setting.

Don’t forget to make sure that you phone is registered to 999.

This is especially relevant to our sport where mobile coverage can be rather patchy. It takes less than 30 seconds to set up and here is what you need to do:

  • Register your phone ( by texting the word "Register" to 999)
  • Read the automated message you receive back in full.
  • Reply to the message stating "Yes".
  • Receive confirmation that your sign up was a "success" via text.

If you are unsure whether or not you have registered, please text "register" to 999 who will send a text back confirming the status of your phone.

If you try to register but don't get the 'success' text, check with your mobile provider to make sure they support the emergency SMS service.

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