British Orienteering believes in clean sport and work in partnership with UK Anti Doping (UKAD), the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) and our International Federation (IOF) to ensure the integrity of our sport is protected.
All those taking part in orienteering from elite level right through to grassroots, have the right to compete in sport knowing that they, and their competitors, are clean.
The use of performance enhancing drugs and other doping behaviour severely damages the legitimacy of sport and undermines the integrity of clean athletes. All athletes have the right to compete in sport knowing that they, their competitors and support staff practice positive anti-doping behaviour.
Each year, British Orienteering undertakes a variety of activities to ensure members and athletes are informed of the requirements.
British Orienteering wishes to keep all members updated on actions from 2023 and informed of plans for 2024 and outlined here is an update on our progress.
British Orienteering completes an annual UKAD framework submission which checks that the sport is meeting set criteria. The next review is due in early 2024.
British Orienteering has an anti-doping education strategy which features a number of education modules available to access to support members and coaches.
Information on this will be disseminated via a number of channels depending on the level of the athlete. This will include, face to face training, webinars, emails and policy update and newsletters.
Rachael Handley has completed the required UKAD trainer courses and attended multiple UKAD webinar sessions this year in order to lead on the delivery of anti-doping education for our athletes.
It is now a requirement for athletes at Levels 4 & 5 to complete the UKAD Complete Clean eLearning course.
Published across a variety of channels, the prohibited list coming into effect on 1 January 202
The anti-doping webpages on the British Orienteering website have been refreshed and will continue to have up to date resources available.
Anti-doping policy - updates have been made to the anti-doping policy for which all members are obliged to follow.
Essential anti-doping requirements for members are outlined within the membership terms and conditions (section 9)
Anti-doping is discussed at Board meetings. The new board lead for anti-doping is Duncan Birtwhistle who has taken over from Ruth Beale.
British Orienteering promote Clean Sport Week each year across our media channels.
For further information visit British Orienteering’s anti-doping webpage which is available here.