British Orienteering

Just announced: 2024 Major Events Webinars (with Level A Controllers’ course)

2 January 2024

We are pleased to announce that we are running three Webinars in February 2024 to:

  • Learn from previous Major Events.
  • Train and update key officials including controllers, organisers and planners.
  • Train potential Level A controllers.

Who should register?

The key audiences are:

  • All current Level A & B Controllers.
  • Major Event Officials for 2024-2025 events.
  • Major Event Officials from 2022-2023 events.
  • Members of the Events & Competition Committee and the Rules Group.
  • …and anyone else who wishes to attend.


Major Events Webinar 1: Recent Level A events, revised Rules and Control Descriptions


Monday 5 February 



Alan Rosen

David May

Barry Elkington


  • Lessons from 2022 and 2023 major events
  • What is different about the 2024 Rules and Appendices?
  • Using the 2024 IOF Control Descriptions

Major Events Webinar 2: Planning for older competitors, running (even) better Level A events


Monday 12 February 



Alan Rosen

Neil Crickmore

Simon Errington


  • Level A planning for older competitors
  • Controlling, Organising and Planning: best practice
  • Quick wins to improve Level A Events

Major Events Webinar 3: Running a WRE event, some Jury scenarios, topics raised by attendees


Monday 19 February  



Alan Rosen

Julie and Ronan Cleary


  • Having WRE status and an IOF Event Adviser
  • You are on the Jury and…
  • Topics raised in advance by attendees

We are aiming to make the sessions engaging and interactive wherever possible, with breakout rooms to involve all participants.  Sessions will be recorded but that won’t be a substitute for attending and contributing.  It will be possible to attend individual sessions although those aiming to qualify as Level A Controllers will need to attend all sessions.

How to register your place

Booking opens on Thursday 4 January and closes on Wednesday 31 January.  Some material and pre-reading will be sent out on 1 February

Register your place for the webinars via this link

Meet the presenters

Alan Rosen
David May
Barry Elkington

Pictured L-R: Alan Rosen, Controller of 2019 BNOC, 2021 BOC, 2022 JK Relays and 2022 SHI and responsible for assigning controllers to level A events; David MayMember of the 2024 Rules Revision Group, Past member of BOF Rules Group and Technical Committee, IOF Senior Event Adviser for WMOCs and was a member of the IOF’s FootO Commission for 27 years. Grade A Controller since 2007; Barry Elkington, Served many years on BOF Technical Committee and subsequently Rules Group as well as editing the IOF Control Description updates since 2002. Has Organised, Planned and Controlled numerous events and in 2023 helped BOF develop their "Introduction to Planning" eLearning course.

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Pictured L-R: Neil Crickmore, Author of CompassSport’s ‘Orienteering Myths’ and BRC 2022 organiser; Simon ErringtonController of 2024 JK Sprints, Developer of Routegadget 2 and Winner of the Chichester and Walsh Trophies for mapping; Ronan and Julie Cleary, IOF Senior Event Advisers for events such as JWOC and the 2024 JK Sprints.