British Orienteering

Coach of the Year Award Winner 2023: Peter Tryner, South Yorkshire Orienteers

27 March 2024

We are delighted to present the winner of the Coach of the Year Award 2023: Peter Tryner of South Yorkshire Orienteers.

The Coach of the Year Award is awarded to a coach who that has demonstrated success in one or more of the following areas:

  • Engaging new people in orienteering
  • Improving the performance of orienteers
  • Mentoring and developing other coaches

Congratulations to Peter on winning the Coach of the Year Award! Below we share some of the comments from his nominators.

Pete Tryner, South Yorkshire Orienteers

Pete is an excellent coach, developing the orienteering skills of juniors and adults across all levels of the sport. He is the lead coach for the GB Northern Talent squad and is responsible for planning and delivering their training programme. The programme consists of 4 full weekends and a longer race preparation camp.

He plans an excellent range of exercises to develop the athletes’ orienteering techniques but is also focused on their physical training and the psychological aspects of the sport. Alongside the training weekends, he also delivers on-line sessions to cement their learning. The progression of juniors from the Northern Talent squad into the tier 4 GB development squad demonstrates the strength of this coaching programme.

Alongside leading the Northern talent squad, he is also a key coach for the Yorkshire Junior Squad – one of the most successful regional squads, as demonstrated by their runners up position for the last 3 years at JIRCs.  Last year the Yorkshire squad had 6 training days, 3 weekends away and a 10-day training camp in Uppsala in Sweden. X’s invaluable input into this training programme is fundamental to their success.”

Not content with coaching at Northern Talent and the Yorkshire Squad, he also coaches a group of young junior beginners at SYO’s weekly club night delivering basic orienteering skills in fun, innovative ways. Finally, he also steps up to coach at ad-hoc SYO training sessions and weekends away, turning his hand to coaching newer adults. Hundreds of juniors and adults have benefitted from his expertise, and he thoroughly deserves the accolade of coach of the year.


It’s important to us, to recognise the other individuals who were nominated for the Coach of the Year Award 2023. Here they are, alongside some of the comments regarding their contributions over the past year.

Nominees for the Coach of the Year Award 2023

Iain Harding, Inverness Orienteering Club

“The face of JROS Lagganlia as long-standing head coach. A real great mentor and role model for the young and junior coaches. Always so much energy, enthusiasm and great advice. Awesome values and respect for all. His excitement and passion come through.”


Next up, we will be sharing details of the winner of the Volunteer of the Year Award 2023. Check our website or social media daily for the latest updates.



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