British Orienteering

Major Event Competition Rules for 2025

23 September 2024

Based on competitor and event officials feedback there have been a few updates to the Major Event Competition Rules for those events held in the Spring. i.e. the British Long, Middle, Relay and Night Championships; the JK Sprint, Individual and Relays; and the Area Championships.

Most of these have simply been to clarify existing text. However, with an increase in the longevity of our competitors the age classes at the individual events have been extended up to M/W95+, with an accompanying note that a course only needs to be provided if there are entries for the classes concerned.

The updated rules are available on the British Orienteering website under Events & activities / Event competition rules.  

Or access directly from this link:

A second set of updates, to the Competition Rules for those events that take place from the summer onwards, will be published before the end of the year.

Any questions regarding these Rules should be emailed to:

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