British Orienteering

Summary of the AGM 2024 - Saturday, 5th October 2024

9 October 2024

Here is a summary of the Annual General Meeting which took place on Saturday 4 October 2024 in Birmingham.


  • 547 Proxy Votes had been submitted via Mi-Voice
  • 17 members present in person
  • 8 members attended virtually
  • 8 apologies received

Represented 7.4% of the voting membership. 

Chair’s Report

The Chair thanked the clubs and volunteers for the work they do in supporting the sport and making it happen.

He thanked the Sports Councils for their continued and generous support of the sport.

The Chair reflected on the progress in implementing the Strategic Plan, particularly the improved social media coverage. He was also pleased to report that an Independent Governance Review had been undertaken and we had received a very positive final report.

Despite this AGM reviewing 2023, the Chair felt it important to take the opportunity to thank everyone who was involved in delivering a successful WOC 2024 in Edinburgh. There were some significant challenges along the way particularly regarding the financial viability of the event. Contributing factors included the delay to the event and inflationary pressures. Significant financial support was received from Edinburgh Council and Events Scotland which was greatly appreciated.

At last year’s AGM, it was highlighted that British Orienteering may be providing funding to support WOC of up to £100,000. The final accounts are currently being concluded, but the expected funding from British Orienteering is estimated to be £40,000.

Away from WOC, the Chair highlighted the success of all the athletes on the 2023 roll of honour and Ralph Street for his victory at the World Cup event in Czechia.

He highlighted and thanked Scott Collier for his contribution to Board and wider orienteering matters over many years. Scott was stepping down after a total of three terms on the Board and the Chair welcomed Keigh Willdig (OD) to the Board.

The Chair concluded with his thanks to everyone involved in the sport and for the support that he had received from the Board.

Orienteering Image

Treasurers Report

Andy Robinson, Treasurer, referred to the annual accounts, which had been available on the British Orienteering website.

He informed the meeting that in 2023 we recorded a deficit of £51K, which was in line with what was planned.

The new levy cost for non-members appears to have gone smoothly with no adverse effects. In fact, non-member participation has shown an increase in the first half of 2024.

The main costs were increasing the staffing levels to pre COVID level, the performance pathway programme ahead of WOC 2024, and inflationary pressures.

The Treasurer highlighted that a forward plan had been presented to the Board, including further delivery of the Strategic Plan, which would result in a deficit in 2024 and 2025.

The Treasurer thanked the staff and in particular Kelly Perryman at British Orienteering for their support.

Chief Executive’s Report

The Chief Executive referred to the Annual Report.

2023 was difficult because of the additional financial challenges and inflation whilst managing it against a static income from funding grants in England. He highlighted that the current funding award from Sport England runs to March 2027 and the landscape remains uncertain as to the future level of funding that may be received after that. 

He thanked the clubs and volunteers in their enthusiasm and perseverance in delivering activities and competitions no matter what barriers are put in their way - like many sports we are finding it much more difficult in finding venues and dealing with increasing levels of bureaucracy and permissions.

He referred to the time spent realigning/recruiting staff against the strategic plan and the investment in the plan, including the major overhaul of the British Orienteering website which started in 2023 and launched in 2024. He thanked the Board for their support and funding to enable these projects to happen.

The Chief Executive concluded by thanking the staff and Board for their support.

He signed off by saying that if we all work together, we will be much stronger in the future.

Key Resolutions

Resolution Number



Resolution 1:

To authorise the Board to appoint the Bates Weston as auditors for the 2024 accounts and to fix their remuneration.


Proposed by: The Board


The Resolution was approved 

For the motion – 533,

Against – 3,

Abstain – 18


Resolution 2:

To approve the member and club affiliation fees from 1st January 2025.


Proposed by: The Board


The Resolution was approved 

For the motion – 524,

Against – 26,

Abstain – 6


Resolution 3:

To approve the levy fees from 1st January 2025.


Proposed by: The Board



The Resolution was approved,

For the motion – 524,

Against – 26,

Abstain – 6


Resolution 4:

To appoint the President for the ensuring year: Steve Cram CBE.


Proposed by: The Board


The Resolution was approved

For the motion – 538, Against – 7,

Abstain – 9


Election of Directors

Andy Robinson and Scott Collier reached the end of their terms respectively of office.


Scott Collier did not seek re-election.

Two nominations were received from Andy Robinson and Keith Willdig.

Andy Robinson (LOC) and

Keith Willdig (OD) were elected unopposed.


Thank you to all those that attended and voted.