British Orienteering

Airienteers go racing in Dawson Wood

16 June 2021

Report by Peter Jones (Airienteers)

Since the lockdown eased Airienteers have been running a series of Wednesday evening events – our Spring Sprint League. Run in local woods, parks and sometimes urban areas, they are designed to be simple to put on (A planner and someone to run SI on the night), accessible and cheap to enter (£4). Typically they include a ‘Sprint’ course – about 3k, with a good number of controls – akin to a Middle distance, plus an orange and where the terrain allows, a yellow course. We normally get between 30 and 60 people on an evening. We’ve restricted runners to 2/minute and have a 45 minute start window. Everyone pre-enters but we take payment on the night using a contactless card payment system. We use a restricted form of SI, at the Start, Finish and 3 random controls out on the course. The events are pretty simple but everyone seems to enjoy just getting out again. Dawson Wood was the last in our spring series, but our ‘summer’ series starts shortly, same format.

Further details can be found on the Airienteers ( website.

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Photos taken at Dawson Wood event by Wendy Carlyle (Airienteers).

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Dawson Wood by Chris Burden (Airienteers)
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