British Orienteering

2021 British TrailO League Final Results

13 December 2021

Five events in all have been held in the British TrailO League (BriTOL) this season, which was somewhat curtailed by Covid-19, and the three best scores count. Eighty people in all have taken part in the League this year.

The overall winner of the 2021 BriTOL is Ian Ditchfield (Mole Valley Orienteering Club) with 287 points, 5 points ahead of John Kewley (Manchester and District Orienteering Club) and 11 ahead of Iain Phillips (Leicestershire Orienteering Club), who take second and third places. 

The full final League Table is available here.

Information about the 2022 series will be published in the New Year.  Contributing events will include the British TrailO Championships, planned to be the same weekend as the British Orienteering Championships (Long Distance and Relay) in southern England in March, and TrailO events at the JK at Easter.

orienteering image

Map illustration above.  The map is from the event near York on 7 November, BriTOL event 3. One kite per control, either on the feature circled (answer A) or not (answer Z).  55 people took part and the winner was Ruth Ker from Claro Orienteers.


Never tried the orienteering discipline of TrailO?  Maybe something new to get involved in during  2022.

TrailO has two formats - TempO, the 'sprint' form of TrailO where all competition activity is timed, and PreO, the 'classic' format with generous time limits but with one or more timed controls. More information on PreO and TempO can be found here

For more information about TrailO visit the UK TrailO site here.