British Orienteering

British Orienteering is delighted to be supporting Volunteers' Week (1-7 June)

30 May 2022


To mark Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June) British Orienteering will be shining a spotlight on the remarkable contribution of all volunteers, club members who give up hundreds of hours each week to support and help all members to enjoy our sport of orienteering.

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British Orienteering is delighted to be joining many organisations across the country for this year's Volunteers' Week, which starts today (1 June) and runs until 7 June. We want to celebrate the difference volunteers make and thank you all for the time and energy you give to our sport every week.

At British Orienteering, we would like to take this opportunity to say a big "THANK YOU" to all volunteers; committee members, coaches, planners, controllers, tea-makers, car-parking stewards, mappers.... ......the list goes on!

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Volunteers are the lifeblood of our sport and make orienteering happen every week.

There is a wide range of roles and responsibilities people take on within our clubs giving endless hours of their time given to putting on orienteering events and activities for all to enjoy in local communities across the UK.

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Share your own story about what you have contributed to the sport of orienteering over the past 12 months, inspire others to get involved in volunteering, or say thank you to an amazing volunteer you know using #VolunteersWeek!

British Orienteering will be posting content on the British Orienteering website news pages and on Facebook and Twitter throughout the week, please get involved by sharing, liking, and commenting on our posts and help us to build momentum around our national campaign.

Keep a check on the British Orienteering website throughout the week!

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We would love you to post your own thanks to volunteers in your own club.  For example, maybe you have a volunteer of the year in your club or maybe you would like to give a special mention of thanks to someone in your club or further afield. If you want to add this content to your club's social media during this week, don’t forget to tag British Orienteering in all of your posts:

Also please include these hashtags...

Please also email your personal volunteering stories for publishing on the British Orienteering website to Jennie Taylor British Orienteering's Communications Officer; 

(Please include any photos you wish to be published).

Include.. what you enjoy about your role, successes you've had, any difficulties you've faced and overcome, roughly how many hours a week do you give to the sport each week, and if you think there are any support or training templates that would be helpful to encourage others to give their time in the future. 

Find out more about Volunteers’ Week on the Volunteers’ Week website.