British Orienteering

New eLearning Course Launched - Introduction to Updating Forest Maps

16 June 2022

British Orienteering Launches New eLearning Course

Introduction to Updating Forest Maps

Introduction to updating Forest Mapping has been designed to be a supportive and informative initial step towards becoming a competent Mapper. The course is based around learners having access to either of the two most widely used mapping programs, Open Orienteering Mapper and OCAD. We strongly advise that you seek an experienced mapper as a mentor to support you through your journey towards being a competent mapper. This course is based on updating an existing forest or upland map and rather than creating a new map from a previously unmapped area.

This course is aimed at current and experienced Orienteers who wish to become a mapper.

The Course objectives are…

To provide an introduction and basic understanding of the processes involved in how to update and amend an existing Orienteering map.

This eLearning course is priced at £10.00 and will take approximately an hour to complete and you will also receive the following…

  • Certificate
  • 11 supporting resources
  • A list of useful links to embed learning
  • A list of Mapping software & suppliers
  • A useful glossary
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Terry Smith British Orienteering’s Chair of the Map Advisory Group, says:
“This is an excellent piece of work and all those involved should be proud of their efforts.”

British Orienteering would like to thank the following people who have helped to develop this course.

David Olivant – Technical Mapping expert

Pauline Olivant – Learning expert

Mark Penny – eLearning Developer

Together with all the members of the Map Advisory Group who have provided excellent support.

British Orienteering offers a wide range of affordable eLearning courses ranging from £10 - £30 and includes online Introduction to Orienteering courses for Primary and Secondary School Teachers, Outdoor Centres, and Youth Leaders. 

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