British Orienteering

Join our Access and Environment steering group!

8 July 2022

Do you have a role in your club that deals with access for your events?

Do you know of members of your club who are passionate about the environment?

British orienteering would like to invite individuals from across our clubs to help support and steer the work of British Orienteering as we respond to the access and environmental challenges we face.

Our Access and Environment Officer Emma Monkman is leading the creation of an Access & Environment Steering Group – who will meet (online) approximately 4 times a year. The first meeting will be held on Monday 18th July at 7pm. This will be on Teams and the link to join is here

Why do we need you?

Here is just a snippet of some of things we would love your insight, experience and direction with creating;

  • An Access Charter – a standard that landowners and managers can expect from us.
  • A platform to discuss environmental risks and how to manage them within our sport.
  • What Research and data capturers we need so we can collate data to inform our environmental impact assessment.
  • Website signposting and resources available to support clubs.

Emma says ‘we have already created a Whatsapp group made up of Access officers, which is serving as a fantastic mechanism to air questions or issues. Whilst I don’t expect everyone to want to join in face to face discussions – what I have already learnt since I joined British Orienteering is just the depth of knowledge, understanding and innovation there is out there and together I hope we can drive forward some of this key work’

British Orienteering has also recently launched new Access and Environment pages on the website to support clubs and members (with all the excitement of the World Sprint Orienteering Champs in Denmark you would be forgiven for missing this news). There are a wide range of useful resources and links available - Find out more here.

There is also

For any further information contact Emma:





18th July at 7pm
18th July at 7pm