British Orienteering

Safeguarding Webinar coming soon

14 February 2023

The next in British Orienteerings 2023 series of live webinars takes place in only a couple of weeks’ time on Monday 27th February at 7pm.

This webinar focuses on Safeguarding and how, together, we can raise the profile within our clubs.

The session is open to anyone to attend, but it's recommended that where possible the Club Welfare Officer (CWO) or a representative from each club attends. The session will also be relevant to those involved on club committees and webmasters as we’ll be running through ways to help raise the profile of what a safe sport means, but also highlight the channels and processes we undertake after a concern has been raised. 

An overview of the session is outlined here:

Session content

During the session we’ll be discussing:

  • Raising the awareness and profile of safeguarding channels within clubs
    • Member communications
    • Website content/ accessibility
  • The processes we follow in the case of a disclosure/ raising of a concern,
    • In previous forums we’ve talked about how to report a concern and dealing with someone raising an issue. This time we’ll be running through what happens once this has been made. This is just as crucial to get right and is important to understand to ensure full openness from the start.
  • Opportunity for Q&A’s

In preparation for the webinar, we have also recently completed an analysis of all clubs and associations websites. This was to understand how accessible Safeguarding information such as CWO contact details and basic Safeguarding information such as reporting processes and policies are. This was done from the perspective of someone looking to contact the club CWO or wishing to find more Safeguarding information. We'll be sharing the overall results of how many clubs fall into each rating during the session, and easy solutions to quickly change any negative ratings around.

The session should last between 45 and 60 minutes and they’ll be time to answer any questions. But if you do have any questions ahead of the session please add them onto the registration form, link below.

To register for this webinar, please complete this short registration form. The session will be delivered online via Teams with the link to the session sent out a couple of days beforehand.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Peter Brooke on

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