British Orienteering

Access and Environment – an update

29 August 2023

Written by Emma Monkham, Environment and Access Officer


The current 3-year Forestry England Agreement is due to finish in September 2023.

Peter Hart and I have held regular meetings with our contacts at Forestry England and our future working arrangement depends largely on their new online system. The system has been used for volunteering within Forestry England and is now being upgraded to include other functions, such as Permissions. We have had sight of the initial stage, an expression of interest form, and are awaiting the next stages to come through. Forestry England have asked that we test the system, when it is ready, and many of you have offered your assistance. Once we receive details of this next stage, I will be in touch with members that have volunteered; your assistance is greatly appreciated. During this transition period we have been assured that the current agreement and procedure will be honoured, so please continue to submit your permissions requests in the usual manner.


We commissioned an environmental impact survey to be completed at the middle-distance area of the 2023 JK. The results are in, and I am due to meet with the Ecologist in the next few weeks to understand the findings and ensure they are delivered in a format that is useful for your access needs.

Environmental issues continue to be a significant factor when gaining permissions for events, and this is echoed in discussions with the International Orienteering Federation’s Environment and Sustainability Commission. In fact, the environment, and its protections, is mentioned in every discussion I have with representatives from the whole sport and outdoor recreation network. With that in mind, Peter Hart and I have joined a consortium of other sports tasked with lobbying central Government to enhance the CROW Act (Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000).

Can you help?

The International Orienteering Federation have requested that an Environment Policy be in place for each affiliated Federation.

Join our steering group

We are keen that this is a document that is useful for you, the members. If you would like to join a small steering group to design this document, then please email

Help us improve our indirect environmental impact

I am interested in planning a zero-carbon event, as our direct environmental impact is low, but our indirect environmental impact is an area that needs addressing. The IOF have designed a carbon tool which can be used to calculate carbon emissions from travel to and from events. There is a link to it on our website, should you wish to try it. Again, should you wish to work on this project with me please email

Image credit: Robert Lines
Image credit: Robert Lines