British Orienteering

Junior Inter-Regional Championships 2023

2 October 2023

Written by Mark Saunders

On 23-24 September the 33rd running of the annual Junior Inter-regional Championships took place with 200 Juniors from the 12 regional junior squads across the whole country competing against each other.

This year it was the turn of Wales to host the competition. On a fine sunny day, the individual was held on the technical sand dunes of Kenfig Burrows. Despite a 12 hour coach journey, the Scottish team managed to pull out a significant lead over the Yorkshire and Humberside squad in 2nd place and the South West Juniors in 3rd.

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All the teams stayed in Rougemont School near Newport overnight where they were well fed and entertained.

The relay saw a total contrast in terrain and conditions with Llantrisant forest making for a slightly misty venue for some exciting and closely fought racing. Yorkshire and Humberside managed to pull back some ground on Scotland by winning the relays but had to concede overall victory to Scotland. The South West hung on to third in the face of a strong challenge from the South East.

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A great weekend was had by all. Many thanks to Swansea Bay Orienteering club for hosting and an especial thanks to Sprint World Champion Megan Carter-Davies taking time out from her preparations for the European Championships to help out like any other club member - a great inspiration and role model for all our youngsters. Well done all the teams, coaches and drivers.

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JIRCs 2023 Final Results

1. Scotland 512 pts

2. Yorkshire & Humberside 488 pts

3. South West 395 pts

Full results available via SBOC's website

Congratulations to all who took part and the winners!


With thanks to Will Heap for providing these images. Access the full gallery online

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