British Orienteering

Respect the Environment Award Winner 2023: St Andrew’s Orienteering Club (Glasgow)

27 March 2024

We are pleased to announce that the Respect the Environment Award Winner 2023 is St Andrew’s Orienteering Club of Glasgow.

The Respect the Environment Award was established last year and recognises the increasing importance to understand and respect the natural environment we love our sport to be an integral part of. Below we share why they were nominated as winners for the 2023 Award. 

St Andrew’s Orienteering Club of Glasgow

St Andrew’s Orienteering Club (Glasgow) have established an initiative for their members to get a discount off the next event if they travel by minibus/cycle, or a smaller discount if they car share.

They have an active club group chat with lift sharing opportunities.

The club are encouraging other clubs to copy this scheme and do their bit for the environment, leaving no trace or harm behind from activities. As such, most of their activities use local city parks that most members walk, cycle or bus to.

Congratulations again to St Andrew’s Orienteering Club of Glasgow on winning this year’s Award.


It’s important to us, to recognise the other clubs and individuals who were nominated for the Respect the Environment Award 2023. Here they are, alongside some of the comments regarding their contributions over the past year.

Nominees for the Respect the Environment Award 2023

Clyde Orienteers in association with Glasgow Universities Litter pick O

“Coordinating large litter picking orienteering initiative between multiple Glasgow colleges and universities. This is across the city and Glasgow green/ Kelvingrove park. The club provides a SI maze at finish and is growing its brand.”


Next up, we will be sharing details of the winner of our new award in 2023 – The Spirit of Inclusion Award. Check our website or social media daily for the latest updates.

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