British Orienteering

Fantastic orienteering development work in Ards & North Down

27 August 2024

A report by Ric Gamble; Sporting Clubs Coordinator (Northern Ireland)

This part of the Northern Ireland has occasionally been used to host some club activities, but the potential for developing Orienteering in this area has accelerated over the past two years.

Following development work on two country parks, Whitespots and Cairn Wood, and the National Trust property at Mount Stewart, both partners have funded mapping in these three locations. This has allowed LVO to run club events and junior training and NI Orienteering to support the Council in delivering a Summer Community Programme and set up MapRun courses for the community to use when they wish.

The summer ‘Come and Try It’ programme was made up of two events at the Mount Stewart and one each at Whitespots Country Park and Cairn Wood. The four activities attracted a total of just under 300 participants, all new to the sport. It was great to see a great mix of people taking part. There were many families, but also some adult individuals and groups too; in fact, 43% of participants were adults.

After the activity there was opportunity to have good conversations about how it went, providing really positive feedback. Flyers were available to hand out with future activities and information on how to find out more about orienteering. I believe this really helped encourage a healthy number of participants to return and enjoy other activities in the programme and to venture further to try out their first club event!

Quotes from participants:

“An excellent activity for my 9, 10 and two 13-year-olds. Went to places we didn’t know existed. More of this please.”

“Very enjoyable for the children and adults with them. We really enjoyed ourselves today and will be back in August to do longer orienteering. Mount Stewart is our favourite place”

Funding has been made available and mapping underway of a more extensive part of the grounds at Mount Stewart, allowing for additional, longer MapRun courses and the hosting of larger Colour Series club events.

Thanks to additional funding from AND, urban mapping of the two largest towns in the area is also happening this Autumn to provide more diverse opportunities for the club and local community.

The Outdoor Partnership (TOP) have appointed a new Outdoor Activity Officer, Victoria Kelly, and the Ards and North Down area falls within her development area. It was great to have a conversation with Victoria, filling her in with developments and inviting her to come along to try it out for herself with her son.

“Great to see that the events went well!  It was good to be able to try it out!  Will keep in touch!”

Victoria Kelly, The Outdoor Partnership, Outdoor Activity Development Officer

“Thank you so much for Friday, we were all really pleased with how it went and are still hearing great feedback even now!” Nareece Nolan, National Trust Programme and partnerships Officer.

“The participation figures are good, it great to see more people getting involved.” Edel Trainor, Ards & North Down Borough Council.

A mother and her daughters stood by a Start flag in front of a country hall.