British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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British Sprint Championships - Finals, 30/09/2017

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
F01 (length: 3.5km, climb: 65m, 29 controls)

Other courses: F02 | F03 | F04 | F05 | F07 | F08 | F09 | F10 | F11 | F12 | F13 | F14 | F16 | F17 | F18 | F19 | F21 | F22 | F23 | F24 | F25 | F26
Point calculations
1,327.95 + (41.05 x (1,103.65 - T)) / 91.88
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Jamie ParkinsonDEVONM199200:15:541395
2Chris SmithardFVOM198900:15:591393
3Rhodri BuffettSWOCM198800:16:441372
4Ben MitchellSBOCM199300:16:561367
5Tom FellbaumMDOCM199200:17:131360
6Richard RobinsonNOCM198100:17:191357
7Adam PotterBOKM199500:17:301352
8Finn LydonAROSM199900:17:311351
9Jack KoskySOM199300:17:471344
10Richard PurkisAROSM199300:18:321324
11Tim HarrisonSUFFOCM199900:18:351323
12Nathan LawsonODM199700:18:491317
13Rowan CapperLOCM199600:19:031310
14Duncan BirtwistleMDOCM199200:19:191303
15Leon FosterAIREM198300:20:021284
16JAMES HAYNESTVOCM199300:20:231275
17Andrew Stemp-WalshAIREM199700:20:311271
18Tom WoodERYRIM200000:21:191250
Showing results 1 - 18 of 18