British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Junior selection race, 30/08/2020

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
M16 (length: 2.9km, climb: 160m, 12 controls)

Other courses: W16 | M18/20 | W18/20

 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Euan TrynerSYOM200400:28:06
2Adam BarrieEUOCM200500:32:16
3Ben SquireNOCM200400:32:25
4Max MobusM200400:33:11
5Ewan MusgraveMAROCM200400:33:44
6Angus IvoryINTM200400:33:52
7Sam GriffinGRAMPM200400:36:19
8Tommy HeapSOM200500:38:04
9Oscar ShepherdINVOCM200400:39:19
10Adam MethvenBKOM200500:40:56
11Jonas NeweyMAROCM200500:42:04
12Emils UmmersSOM200400:43:36
13Sam CrawshawSYOM200400:43:39
14Herbie AshworthWCOCM200400:46:01
15Alastair McCartneyCLYDEM200400:46:57
16Benjamin GostickHHM200500:47:44
17Alex MatthewSROCM200400:50:34
18Liam GreenCLOKM200500:54:09
19Ben O'DonnellDVOM200400:54:30
20Dominic WatheyMDOCM200501:07:28
Showing results 1 - 20 of 20