British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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ELO Local Events in Edinburgh and the Lothians, 25/09/2021

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Light Green (length: 3.9km, climb: 180m, 23 controls)

Other courses: Orange | Yellow | White
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Oleg ChepelinINTM198600:32:26
2Ray WardINTM197500:34:47
3Megan MowbrayINTF197400:39:31
4Ross LyallELOM199200:40:55
5Phil MurraySYOM196400:41:00
6Duncan EdmondsonELOM197100:44:53
7Calum Rathjen + Innes WrightELOM200600:45:32
8Joel AtkinsonELOM200600:46:11
9Fiona ForrestRRF197400:47:15
10Dave WrightELOM197600:51:46
11Sabine OechsnerESOCF000000:51:54
12Peter BrownsortELOM196000:52:20
13Peter O'HaraESOCM197100:54:15
14Emily AtkinsonELOF200800:55:21
15Jon RathjenELOM197100:55:46
16Godfrey BeddardELOM194800:57:50
17Davide FoffaHOCM198700:58:19
18Paul McGrealRRM197601:02:34
19Shona McGillicuddyINTF199401:03:18
20Sandra RathjenELOF197101:08:35
21Mark ChapmanM197101:11:41
22Jamie WilsonELOM196001:25:51
23Robert FindlayESOCM194801:46:47
24Christine MahonyESOCF195901:47:19
-Evgueni ChepelinELOM196100:43:47
-Matt BowerELOM197100:53:45
-Mhairi FergusonF198101:14:45
-Lucy WardINTF201001:15:16
-Terence O'BrienELOM195102:09:36
Showing results 1 - 29 of 29