British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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YHOA Championships and Superleague, 10/04/2016

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Short Brown (length: 7.7km, climb: 210m, 22 controls)

Other courses: White | Yellow | Orange | Long Orange | Light Green | Very Short Green | Short Green | Green | Short Blue | Blue | Brown | Black

Point calculations
1,192.51 + (58.18 x (4,106.76 - T)) / 430.41
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Charlie AdamsSYOM196400:55:291298
2Rowan CapperLOCM199600:56:351289
3Liam CornerMDOCM197000:57:061285
4Karl MarshallSYOM196700:58:581269
5Charlotte WattsHALOF199201:01:121251
6David AverillSMOCM196401:04:461222
7William ParkinsonNOCM199601:05:141219
8Tony UdrisSYOM196901:05:501214
9Alastair MackenzieCLOKM195801:06:331208
10John MatherLOGM197001:09:271184
11Lucy TiffinLEIF199101:10:331175
12Alistair TintoEPOCM196601:11:281168
13Jake FieldHALOM199601:11:341167
14Alan IrvingWCOCM196701:11:551164
15Nick MartinCLOKM197001:12:441158
16Charlie ElliotSYOM197101:13:391150
17Ian MarshallAIREM196201:14:371142
18Andrew RidgwayNOCM196201:14:541140
19John FranklinSYOM195101:15:071138
20Dean FieldHALOM196301:19:131105
21Victoria BaileyCLAROF199101:20:281095
Showing results 1 - 21 of 21