British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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LOC April Weekend National Level Middle Distance, 14/04/2018

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
SELw18/20 (length: 3km, climb: 145m, 16 controls)

Other courses: Black | Blue Women | Blue Men | Green Women | Green Men | Short Green | Very Short Green | Light Green | Orange | Yellow | Brown Men | Brown Women | SELm16 | SELm18/20 | SELw16
Point calculations
1,193.30 + (46.60 x (1,849.75 - T)) / 284.30
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Chloe PotterSYOF199800:25:091249
2Niamh HunterWCOCF200000:25:151248
3Fiona BunnEUOCF199900:25:371245
4Hannah HateleyDEEF200000:26:501233
5Lindsay RobertsonEUOCF199900:27:001231
6Grace MolloyFVOF200000:27:051230
7Laura KingAIREF199900:27:151229
8Eilidh CampbellMAROCF200100:27:281226
9Lucy HainesAROSF199900:28:121219
10Emma WilsonCLYDEF199900:29:171209
11Kirsty CampbellMAROCF200100:30:251197
12Anika Schwarze-ChintapatlaEBORF200100:31:251188
13Tara Schwarze-ChintapatlaEUOCF200000:32:131180
14Sarah DuckworthDVOF200100:32:201179
15Mairi EadesINTF200100:32:471174
16Ellie BalesPOTOCF200000:34:561153
17Bethany KippinTVOCF200000:35:171149
18Sarah PedleySOCF200100:36:251138
19Georgia JonesLOKF199800:39:231109
20Louise AdamsINTF199800:42:161081
-Chloë CracknellMAROCF200100:40:17
Showing results 1 - 21 of 21